Ando Fahda Aulia

shaping economics of our life…

Newly improved UNRI. Go For It!!!

By • Mar 22nd, 2010 • Category: General

Assalamu’alaikum wr wb,

I’m proud of being one small piece of the stakeholders in the big UNRI. I’ve seen abundant of improvement since my first time saw unri at 2007. Many advancement has been achieved, from infrastructure to academic atmosphere, at least from my big picture of perspective. One of the achievements is about maintaining technology for education purposes. I can see that e-learning is a crucial part in a learning process, albeit the students’ login hasnot dedicated to one particular student who take the course (we still use ‘guest’ login to access the e-learning course).

Moreover, the latest improvement that I experience is this blog. The Unri Staff Blog is free for all staff at Unri. This is an excellent instrument for us to disseminate our thought in a virtual world.

Once again, thanks to all progressive Unri staff, in this case, particularly at ICT Office. Hopefully, unri will achieve its position as a world class university, not only in research but also in working culture and academic style.



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